Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rudra Pooja

Rudra Pooja... One of the most subtle and amazing experiences.. The experience of my first Rudra Pooja with HIM in the ashram propelled me into some other dimension.. I slipped into meditation within no time.. With the soothing sound of the chantings by the Vedic boys going on in the background, it turned out to be an out of world experience.. With no thoughts and just that bliss, that expansion, that recognition of HIS unlimited, unconditional love and grace, tears rolled down my cheeks..

That one hour of pooja passed so quickly and effortlessly.. And then the best part... When i opened my eyes and looked on the stage, i saw HIM looking into my eyes.. :) :)That eye contact which lasted for about 10 seconds is something i can't express in words.. Those eyes gave me a glimpse to eternity!! :) Gave me everything!! It has love, care, a slight rebuke, compassion, belongingness.. That look just penetrated through my eyes in to my heart.. I can never forget those few seconds in my life!! From then, i've started relishing Rudra Pooja a lot.. :) Thankyou Guruji for this experience! :) :) :)

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