Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tryst with LIFE!

Often, i hear people say, "I just dont understand what is all this happening in my life?!".. Also often i read in slam books, questions like "What is life according to you?" and the most commonly found answers are " Life is like an ice-cream. Eat it before it melts. " or " Life is like a movie. Enjoy it before it ends." and many other fantasy answers....

But have we ever seriously thought " What is life!?" ? Actually, many of us would have surely been stuck by questions like " What is life!? " , " Who am i!? ", " Where have i come from!?" , " What after death!?" etc. at various points in our lives but everytime, we somehow managed to ignore them! Obviously.. who wants to think about his own death?? But death is the BIGGEST REALITY! Death has been considered a source of misery for ages and thats the reason why people refrain themselves from even thinking about it. Its considered inauspicious to even talk about death. This way they keep running from it and getting more fearful until the doomsday fall in and they are caught unaware by this Biggest Reality...

Its far more intelligent to think about death rather than life.. For, the more you think about death, the more you will understand life! If one reminisce about his life so far, right from his birth to the point where he is now- all the places he had lived in, all the people he had come across with, all the situations he had encountered. he'll realise that life is like a movie going on, with scenes coming and going.. Its like a dream and the alarm to it is death! Every passing moment becomes a part of this dream.. Even if you notice now as you read this post, this very moment will become a part of that on-going dream.. Its such an irony! Throughout our lives, we assume life as a reality and keep ignoring death.. But life is actually an illusion with everything around in it..

The moment one realises this illusionary nature of life, dispassion and detachment arises, which is our ultimate goal.. We keep wandering from one lifetime to other and then another and never do we ever succeed in getting out of our complacencies in life and this cobweb of lifetimes ..

Death is you friend.. There is an opportunity in death.. an opportunity to become one with the Infinite, the Eternal... Seek and wait desperately for your death.. Prepare yourself for it, rather than running from it...

One needs to be constantly aware of this Truth in life but its not always easy.. However the presence of a Guru in life makes this quite simple and easy.. :) As it happened with me.. Its when the Grace of a Guru showers in, that you come across such Epiphanies in life :) I offer my gratitude to HIM.. :) :)


  1. Nicely written!
    Jai Gurudeva!

  2. wow shreya!!!!
    very profound!!!
    i loved the line--'life is a dream and death is an alarm to it!!!!'
    loved the way you ended it....
    waiting for the next post now!!!

    jai gurudev!!!

  3. awesome.......after reading this it has left me speechless..........what beautifully crafted words.......waiting eagerly for ur next post

  4. Very nice write-up again. I will select some statements to share my views, in addition to what you have written here:

    /Life is like an ice-cream. Eat it before it melts. " or " Life is like a movie. Enjoy it before it ends./

    => This is a myopic vision of life – it shows consumerist attitude which the Western countries have developed for themselves.

    /But death is the BIGGEST REALITY!/

    => No, both life and death are parts of the reality. Death is nothing in absolute. Death is just the small period in which our soul passes from one body to another body. If life is a journey, death is a bus-stop. Its NEVER the destination.

    /Its far more intelligent to think about death rather than life.. For, the more you think about death, the more you will understand life!/

    => True and this is a positive way to look at things.

    /Death is you friend.. There is an opportunity in death.. an opportunity to become one with the Infinite, the Eternal... Seek and wait desperately for your death.. Prepare yourself for it, rather than running from it.../

    => As I said, death doesn’t mean much. It is just a temporary phase of our soul’s journey. Only death won’t reach us to God, the Infinite, the Eternal. What will bring us to Him would be complete detachment with this world, with the cycles of births and deaths, with our karma. When we would be on that stage, we would eagerly wait for “liberation - mukti”. I think in this sentence the word “death” has been used in place of this stage of liberation – mukti – salvation – nirvana or call it by any other word. Death is just the end of a physical bodily state. Our soul carries its journey, without bothering about death.

    A very nice write-up, very thought provoking.

  5. :) I am quite sure about myself... In sanskrit, "anaath" does not mean one who dosent have parents.. It means one who dosen't have a Guru.. The ancient Rishis and Vedas say -" u keep wandering from one lifetime to another until u find a Guru. Once u find HIM, u are liberated"! :)

  6. This post just tells u that don't cling to life. Its not permanent. Until u don't realise this, dispassion and detachment won't arise. :)

  7. ... Gyaan Dhaara :P ... Shreya ... you gotta be ultimate :) spontaneous it is rather ... :)
    Go on ... :)
    keep me updated, whenever you post. :)
    Jai Gurudev :)
