Sunday, July 19, 2009

Keep Breathing!!

The signature at the end of my mails on Google reads- "Keep Breathing! Shreya".. Many liked it and few questioned me about what does it mean?? :) Here is the answer(especially for you Sudhir ji) : The moment one reads it, the first thing he/she realises is "Oh! I am breathing!!" :D

For all of you reading this post (and ofcourse for those who had the above reaction) ,my first question is - What was the first thing you did when you were born?? No, it wasn't crying!! :) (I can read your minds! hehe).. The first thing you did was "INHALING"!! The second question- What will be the last thing you will do, when you die?? No, not making others cry!! :) The last thing you'll do is "EXHALING"!! Between these two points, the one thing we never miss is "BREATHING"!! We constantly inhale and exhale.... Once you stop it, you are dead... !!

But, how many times till now have we attempted to this breath?? To this only link between your body and consciousness which keeps you alive?? For many of you, the answer would be "NEVER"!! :)

Breathing is a wonder!! :) The moment you become aware of your breathing, you relax down and become calm and serene! Your mind stabilises! :) Divine gifted you breathing as an involuntary action but some voluntary use of it can help you make your life far better! :)

Ancient rishis and sages realised this and hence formulated "YOGA" and "PRANAYAMA" because they knew through how much stress, the future generations will have to go and in those troublesome times, they'll attempt to everything except this "Inbuilt Miracle" in themselves that can keep them away from any stress in life!!

Long deep breaths, Rhythmic breathing, conscious breathing are some techniques which opens you to a new realm of wonder! It makes you realise how wonderful a creature I am!! And how beautiful and loving that Divine is who gave you everything you need right inside you!! :) :)

Attempt to your breath once and feel the amazing change!! Do it just now!! :) Respect and Honour it! For, it keeps you alive... :)
I thank my GURU to make me aware of this power in me to bring a change, not only in myself but in the whole world just by this Breath through HIS Most Powerful amazing breathing technique- " SUDARSHAN KRIYA "!! I offer my gratitude to HIM!! :) :)


  1. this post actually made me realise that while living such hectic life there is still something as simple as breathing.. without which we cannot live for a moment.. very well said shreya.. way to go girl!!

  2. course well revised!!!!!;);)
    very well written!!!!
    jai gurudev!!!!

  3. thing u did when u were born...i suddenly realised i looked around for burger...[:)]...
    i was damn hungry..[:)]...
    laughs aside but d article really made me recall my AOL basic course days...
    really good one shreya...and we are looking for ur poems in d further blogs..watsay??
