Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nature: The Ultimate Guru!!

The Colourful Merry-making Flowers.....

The Firm Mighty Mountains....

The Lushy Green Forests....

The Nature's musicians.....

The Golden Glorious Sunshine...

The Serene Calm River....

The Tranquil Cool Moon....

All these have much more to convey to the mankind apart from their amazing beauty.. :)
Nature has its own Perfection... A perfect balance, a perfect timing and perfect rules...
Did you ever notice that the Sun rises and sets at its fixed timing.. and so does the stars and the seasons change.. Even the birds and other animals have their fixed time of mating, reproduction and everything! And this has continued since ages.... Whatsoever happens, whether a natural disaster, a man-made disaster or anything comes, it never fails :) It comes, gives an essence, a meaning to its identity and goes off!

Thats how it teaches you- Come what may! Never give up... You are here for something, some purpose- to give a meaning, a essence to your existence, your identity and you should never fail to strive for that! :)

Nature also is very sensitive.. It communicates with you... answers you in some or the other way.. You just need to be aware ! As Guruji says " Nature loves you 10 times a mother loves her newborn and a Guru loves you 100 times a mother loves her a newborn" :).. HE says- " Nature loves it, when you meditate" and thats the reason why it never rains when we do satsang or group meditation :)......

The ancient Sadhus and seekers learnt a lot from nature.. When they said -" karma kar, fal ki chinta mat kar" i.e. perform good deeds and do not worry about outcome... Or when science say-" Everything in this Universe is balanced.. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed ", in both the cases, nature has a lot to contribute.. Nature does it that way.. If one puts a lot of effort in getting something in his/her life, then that effort, that energy he puts in never go wasted.. Nature always keeps it conserved for you.. And thats the reason why even if you dont get the deserved output in that particular thing but somewhere in future, in something, you get unexpectedly good result... And thats what people call it as "LUCK"! :) However what so ever Nature does for you, it is always the best by any chance! :) :)

More than anything else, Nature has a power to heal.. Just a view of some blossoming flower or a beautiful sunrise can take away your stress and lighten you up.. It makes you realise and feel the presence of the Divine :) That there is someone looking after you, who has created this beautiful gift for you.. To help you take to the journey within! :)

Nature is indeed a gift, a boon to us by The Divine.. It is an expression of HIS love for us..We must respect and conserve it in its most pristine form... :) :)


  1. thumbs up..........keep up the great work

  2. Amazing writeup... While it is possible for one to conflict at places, but the "message" with this post is one with divinity.

    Only God is balanced, and we were not made to be balanced. We have inherent unbalanced things in our life, and our life can be seen as a path towards that perfection or balance. But of course, we see God in the form of Nature too.

    Sun doesn't rise at the same time everyday :) The time of sun-rises and sun sets keeps on changing all through the year, right? But on the other hand, sun never fails to rise. (Its another matter that if it fells we won't be alive to see it fail). There is no "one" season in this world, the rivers change their paths, even sea some times faces high-tide. Birds vary their life pattern based on the season, but many of them pay a price - they travel long long distances just in the search for that perfect environment in which they can produce babies. There is not a "perfect" environment for them in a single place, birds are wanderers.

    I can't agree more on what you said - all across there are countless lessons for us in the form of nature. This post of yours is just a wonderful example of how wonderful we become (and write too :), when we are inspired by nature.

    Wonderful writing, keep it up!

  3. :)Most importantly, when u see nature, when u feel it then there is just wonder... thats the best part! because in wonder, we dont seek answers... its just that feeling of "wow"! :)

  4. "The universe is so mysterious.. Everything is mysterious. We shouldn't try to understand everything. Just leave the mystery as it is. The whole knowledge is to move from an ugly "i don't know.Dont ask me' to "wow!I don't know"- Sri Sri :)

  5. these are HIGHER things...doesnt easily seep through my head..but this time the simplicity with which you wrote such BIG truths it made me realise a few things and their importance...reallllllly well written..
    looking forward to ur class someday mam!!
